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The Lizard Lounge

Red-eyed tree frog
Red-eyed tree frogs are among the most beautiful and widely recognized of all living amphibians. Strictly arboreal, they make their homes in the forest canopies and during the day seek shelter amongst the dense, tropical foliage.
Quick Stats: Red-Eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas)
Family: Hylidae
Origin: Native to Neotropical rainforests where it ranges from Mexico, through Central America, to Colombia.
Size: 2 to 2.5 inches
Diet: Crickets
Water: A shallow water dish should always be provided. Also, mist the contents of the enclosure (substrate, furnishings, cage walls, etc.) twice daily
Terrarium: 20-gallon high aquarium or standard all-glass reptile terrariums of similar size
Substrate: One that promotes healthy levels of humidity.
Decoration: Red-eyed tree frogs are arboreal and require a variety of climbing and hiding structures
Lighting: Specialized full spectrum lighting is not mandatory for these frogs to thrive
Temperatures: 80°-85°F by day with a 90°F basking area; 70's by night
Compatibility: 3 or 4 of these communal frogs will thrive in a 20-gallon high enclosure.
Sexing: Females are almost always larger (both in length and bulk), making size one way to differentiate the sexes.
Leopard Geckoes are one of the most popular lizards in the pet trade. They come in many colors and patterns, or morphs. The juvenile, as seen here, is striped. As it matures the stripes change into the characteristic leopard pattern which gives them their name. They are terrestrial and lack the sticky toe pads that geckoes are most famous for. If handled regularly, they can become very tame.
Quick Stats: Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius)
Family: Gekkonidae
Origin: Southern Asia, Pakistan to Northwest India
Size: 6 - 9 inches
Diet: Crickets, mealworms, grubs and maybe once a week or so, a pinky mouse
Water: Provided at all times
Terrarium: A 10-gallon aquarium; 15 for a pair
Substrate: Reptile sand, paper towel
Decoration: Caves and rocks to climb on; hide/humidity box; keep it simple for cleaning
Lighting: Incandescent; full spectrum can be used but may not be necessary
Temperatures: 80°-85°F by day with a 90°F basking area; 70's by night
Compatibility: Do not house two males together; aggressive when breeding
Sexing: Males have post-anal swellings, a wider tail base, and V-shaped pre-anal pores leading to the vent
Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps) are the perfect pet for the first-time reptile owner and are generally considered one of the all-time best lizard pets. They are known for being alert, hardy and tame, and bearded dragon owners love watching their lizards, whether during a feeding frenzy while chasing crickets or simply interacting with each other. Bearded dragons exhibit interesting behaviors such as “arm waving,” in which a female (and juveniles) may lift a front leg in the air and “wave” it as a submissive gesture. The spiny “beard” from which the lizard gets its common name will expand and turn black when the dragon is excited.
Quick Stats: Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps)
Family: Agamidae
Origin: Australia
Size: Adult males up to 2 feet in length (including tail)
Diet: Omnivorous: Chopped meat, crickets, pinky mice, earthworms, leafy greens, squash; may want separate feeding tank
Water: Water dish, droplets, misting
Terrarium: 10-15 gallon aquarium for hatchlings; minimum of 55-60 gallon for adults
Substrate: Reptile Sand, paper towel
Decoration: Hidebox; provide rocks and branches for climbing and basking
Lighting: Fluorescent full spectrum lighting with UVB, in addition to a basking light
Temperatures: 78-88°F; basking area of 95-100°F; night time temperatures in the 70's
Compatibility: Typically social; bearded dragons of similar size can be housed together, but should be monitored; appear to enjoy interaction with humans
Sexing: Males have larger heads, darker beards, and enlarged femoral pores
Life Expectancy: 10 years
Crested geckos come in a wide array of colors and markings (morphs). They get their name from the fringed crest that begins over their eyes and runs down their necks and backs, though the size of the crest varies. They have specialized toe pads that allow them to effortlessly move along vertical surfaces and their prehensile tails add to their agility. They are also good jumpers. Crested geckos usually have fairly docile temperaments, though they can be a bit skittish and care is required when handling; they may try to jump away from you and be injured. Also, crested geckos may drop their tails if handled roughly or to attempt to get away, but unlike other geckos they will not regenerate their tails.
Quick Stats: Crested Gecko
Family: Correlophus ciliatus
Origin: Southern New Calidonia
Size: adult length of 7 to 9 inches (including tail)
Diet: A commercial crested gecko diet is usually well accepted and is the easiest way to ensure a well-balanced, nutritious diet. It can be supplemented with crickets.
Water: Water dish, droplets, misting
Terrarium: 20-gallon high aquarium
Substrate: Forest bottom substrates like bark to hold humidity
Decoration: Branches for climbing and basking. Cresties are tree dwellers
Lighting: Though Cresties are nocturnal fluorescent full spectrum lighting is ideal. They don't require basking lights.
Temperatures and humidity 78-88°F; nighttime temperatures in the 70's; moderate to high humidity level; aim for 60 to 80 percent relative humidity. Always make sure the cage is well-misted at night when the geckos are most active. Crested geckos will likely drink water droplets on leaves that are left from the mist.
Compatibility: 2-3 crested geckos can be housed in a tall 29-gallon terrarium (but males are territorial so keep only one male per tank).
Sexing: Both male and female crested geckos reach a moderate size of 8 inches in total length. Crested geckos are sexually mature when 15 to 18 months of age
Life Expectancy: 10-20 years


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